choral singing

Ending the year 2023

Do you ever think about death? I do. Death was an underlying theme at the concert this past December 2nd. It was a powerful night of wonder.

The Beauty of Song -15th Season Celebration-Come and join us!

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our upcoming recitals. We are featuring brand new works that are looking forward to their world premiere. As we are entering our final rehearsals with this challenging program the excitement is growing at Cantala.

Late Canadian Carols

Have you ever wondered what a rainbow wears for clothes?….. come to our first winter concert since 2019 where we will entertain with an array of christmas “usuals” and unusuals…..

Saturday December 17th 2pm

Here at Cantala our favorite Winter themed concert includes A Ceremony of Carols by Benjamin Britten. However, we have now presented that work recently and made an outstanding recording of the work with Canadian legend Harpist Erica Goodman, so what could be next to rival that work? Read on to find out.

Cantala's AGM

Did you know that Cantala is a registered charity and has a Board of Directors? All charitable organizations in Canada are required to have a Board of Directors to oversee and direct the vision and mission of the organization. Who is on the Board of Directors and what is their role in your singing experience? Read on to find out.

The Musical Daily Allowance

What do you do to keep your mental health where you want it to be? How do you get out of a rut when you’re feeling down? I have good news! Read on.

New Beginnings

Cantala Choir and I had our first in person rehearsal in two years in February 2022 and for so many reasons, it feels like a new beginning. For one, as I re enter the world of choral music and choral programming I feel I have many new ideas and perspectives. So consider this: what about changing “hundred of years-old sacred text” to a sacred text that is relevant to our human society today? Radical idea? Read on.

The Beginning of our 12th Season

The beginning of our 12th Season at Cantala has begun! If you haven’t auditioned yet for Cantala please do be in touch. We are always interested in meeting new and talented singers and musicians. Between a Fall weekend retreat to Haliburton to Banff in February and Roy Thompson Hall in May-it will be an exhilarating year in Cantala. Come and sing with us!

Magical Endocannabinoids

We have all come to choir rehearsal feeling drained and walking out feeling energised. This is not just an observation anymore but proven science. And it is due to a chemical called endocannabinoids….. Hubba what??

Me too. No idea.

Rehearsing in a Circle

This is a guest post from choir director Chris Rowbury. He has a website called From the Front of the choir where he muses about all sorts of choral related topics. Here we discuss the pros and cons of rehearsing in a circle; something Cantala loves to do.

7 ideas for warming up the choir

Years ago I had a very experienced choral singer come up to me in Cantala and tell me that I spend a lot of time on warming up and inquired "isn't there an urgency to get to rehearsing the repertoire?".

Can Everyone Sing?

As a singing teacher and choral conductor for many years, I have yet to meet anyone I can not teach to sing. Pleasant voice? not guaranteed. But singing? Yes. You can if you either don’t believe it or have been told so. Trust me. You can sing.

Upcoming 2018 Fall/winter repertoire

We made it. 10 years have passed and Cantala is brimming with passionate choral singers, long lasting friendships and excitement for the year ahead. Here is the upcoming 2018 Fall/Winter repertoire. 

That's What I'm Talking about

One can always add another reason to join Cantala. If you already sing in Cantala, then someday, by passion, perseverance, hard work and a little bit of luck, you may get the chance to sing again at Lincoln Centre in New York City, under the direction of one, Eric Whitacre, famous conductor and composer. Guest post by a passionate Cantala choral member.

Consonants + Singing: part 3

In part 1 and 2 of  "Consonants + Singing" we have looked at the differences between voiced and unvoiced consonants. Now in part 3 we take a closer look at why Julie Andrews' voice is so vibrant and what we can do to apply her techniques to our singing. 

7 easy ways to being a fantastic team player

Everyone remembers those school group projects that made you either pull your hair out or jump for joy. Here are 7 tips to being that A+ team player.

7 tips for Preparing the Singing Breath

The way in which we prepare our bodies and breathe to sing greatly influences the quality of the sound that is produced afterward. It starts prior to the intake of the breath and the shaping of the vocal track.